Categories: Law

Common Law Marriage in Florida

Many couples choose to live together without getting legally married; this is known as “common law marriage.” State laws determine whether such unions are valid.

Florida generally does not recognize common-law marriages; however, exceptions may exist. These could include couples from states that recognize such unions moving into Florida from those states and teams entering into common law marriages from such states in Florida itself.

Exceptions to Marriage Requirements

Many couples in Florida are uncertain whether or not their relationship meets the requirements for a common-law marriage. A team is considered married under common law if they cohabitate for an indeterminate amount of time and hold themselves out to the public as married – such as calling each other husband and wife, filing joint tax returns as husband and wife, or sharing last names. Although most states no longer recognize common law marriages legally, some do. If you’d like assistance determining whether your relationship meets Florida laws, don’t hesitate to contact Donna Hung Law Group, which has Orlando family lawyers available 24/7!

Formerly, living together without being legally married was illegal in Florida; however, this changed in 2016. If both you and your partner meet specific requirements, they could legally marry in Florida:

Existence: Living together for an extended period. The Intention of Marriage- This agreement asserts that both partners believe they are married and intend to treat each other as spouses, even after separation or divorce occurs. Reaching such an understanding is paramount.

Evidence of Marriage includes sharing expenses, having children, and living together in the same residence. Furthermore, shared property and bank accounts should exist between you to show that a common-law marriage has taken place. The evidence must be unambiguous to establish it conclusively.

Although Florida does not recognize common law marriages, its courts do recognize those established in other states due to the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution. If you and your partner set your common law marriage in another state, courts in Florida will recognize it when you separate or divorce. However, this doesn’t guarantee you the same rights as married couples, such as being eligible for spousal support or equitable property distribution if things end badly in your relationship.

Requirements for Incapacity Documents

Couples living together as husband and wife for an extended period may find themselves without some of the legal advantages that married couples enjoy, including inheriting property and making healthcare decisions for each other in case of incapacity. In states still recognizing common-law marriage, teams must fulfill specific requirements before being recognized as valid unions.

To qualify as a common law marriage, couples must demonstrate two elements. 1) they agreed to marry, and 2) they continued living as married couples when there were no longer any legal obstacles preventing them from marrying legally. In general, this involves sharing last names and referring to each other as spouses – something which may seem straightforward but may prove more challenging in court due to modern realities where many married people don’t use last names or reside together.

Couples in common law marriages should demonstrate to the community that they were treated as married by sharing bank accounts, filing joint tax returns, or sharing the same last name. It may be possible for couples legally considered married elsewhere and then relocated to Florida to be legally deemed married there. In such a situation, they must abide by its laws and requirements regarding their union.

The Social Security Administration offers an interactive chart that details how each state recognizes common-law marriages. You can find this resource at:

There are exceptions to this rule; couples can become legally married in another state or country before moving to Florida, where no marriage license will be required. However, Florida law mandates that all marriages be lawfully established before couples receive protections comparable to legal marriage. This will protect couples legally married elsewhere from seeking a divorce based on assumptions that they now belong to a common-law marriage relationship in Florida.

Requirements for Divorce Documents

US couples can cohabit without being legally married in various ways. Many are considered in an “illegitimate common law marriage,” even though no license or ceremony was formalized for their relationship. State laws vary regarding this relationship status; some require specific criteria to be fulfilled before qualifying as such a relationship.

Some states only recognize a common law marriage if the couple has been cohabitating for an established timeframe; Florida does not impose such requirements. Also, certain states mandate heterosexual partnerships while others permit same-sex relationships.

No matter whether or not a couple qualifies as common law marriage, both must take steps to protect their rights. They should develop an incapacity plan so that one partner can make decisions on behalf of the other if either partner becomes incapacitated. They should also create a written property division agreement detailing how their assets will be distributed if they choose to part ways.

When they decide to divorce, if they wish to, they must initiate proceedings to dissolve their common-law marriage. This can be incredibly challenging for couples with children: as there’s no formal marriage contract in place, it isn’t clear who has custody or visitation rights over them, and it can also be hard to determine who the biological father is.

Common law marriages may no longer be as prevalent but still exist in certain states. If you were part of a common-law marriage in one of those states, speaking with your Florida family lawyer about its implications might help your case move smoothly.

If you are involved in a common law marriage and want more information about how it might impact your case, contact our Tampa family lawyers at The Pawlowski/Mastrilli Law Group. Our attorneys can assist in exploring all available options as well as protect your rights.

Moving to Florida

Many couples today opt to live together without ever getting legally married, often as an experiment to see if their compatibility matches up, or simply because they believe marriage is unnecessary to have a committed relationship. No matter their motivations for living together without marriage, it is essential to be aware of how living together will impact them should they ever decide to separate or divorce; informal marriage couples seeking dissolution of their union must follow similar procedures to those legally married if seeking dissolution, hiring a divorce attorney to navigate all legal aspects involved with dissolving their marriage legally.

At one time, Florida recognized common-law marriages. Now however, only those that began before January 1, 1968, are identified; otherwise, a couple must fulfill specific criteria to be recognized as legally married – such as living together for a set duration and holding themselves out as husband and wife in public, such as filing joint tax returns jointly or using one last name and referring to each other as spouses.

Couples in common law marriage who move to Florida need proof that they were validly married before proceeding, as well as two blood relatives of each other stating they were in an official partnership when one partner died.

Whoever wishes to dissolve their common law marriage must file for divorce in the state where they originally married to secure similar rights as traditional couples. However, if they wish to remain together and renew their vows, obtaining a regular marriage license and having a conventional ceremony are required as part of this process.

Couples in a typical law relationship should have appropriate estate documents, such as wills and health care directives. Furthermore, it may be wise to enter into a domestic partnership agreement as these will allow visitation rights at juvenile detention facilities as well as health centers – not to mention being more cost-effective than full marriage licenses.


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