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Fly Repellent Plants That Keep Flies Away


Flys are an often annoying pest in gardens and farms. Luckily, several fly-repellent plants will deter these insects.

Lemon thyme boasts an intense fragrance that deters insects. Ideal for ground cover or container gardening, its growth thrives best under direct sunlight.

Sage is another practical choice for repelling flies from gardens. Drying and burning this herb helps ward off flying pests while adding an aromatic fresh scent to the park.


Eucalyptus is one of the most effective natural ways to repel flies naturally. Its strong smell overwhelms insects while its leaves release oil as they grow, helping clean the air as a natural disinfectant and with numerous health benefits that range from relieving coughs and colds to relieving sinus congestion and headaches or fighting stress. Eucalyptus can be found in over-the-counter products like chest rubs, mouthwashes, or inhalers.

Eucalyptus trees come in over 700 species. Of those species, Eucalyptus globulus is the most frequently planted variety and used primarily in pulp mills for paper making, sawlogs, and plywood production as it produces fast-growing wood with superior qualities used structurally or agriculturally.

Lemon-scented eucalyptus is another common variety of eucalyptus grown widely for its lemon scent, which helps deter flies. Plus, its pleasant fragrance adds a welcome ambiance to any home! Plus, it’s easy to grow indoors and outdoors: plant it directly into containers or the ground! Also, mix water, vodka, or lemon juice with some drops of essential eucalyptus oil into a spray to repel insects!


Neem (Azadirachta indica) grows abundantly throughout tropical areas, particularly India’s subcontinent. Ayurvedic and Unani practitioners revere its fruits, leaves, bark, and wood for medicinal use; its use as traditional pest control has long been utilized as soil preparation and animal husbandry techniques; more recently, however, chemical analysis has demonstrated potent insecticidal compounds present within its plant products and plant parts.

Azadirachtin, the active ingredient in neem oil, repels and kills insects on contact. Additionally, it interferes with hormones responsible for bug feeding behavior, possibly leading some species to suffocate altogether. Laboratory tests show neem oil also prevents the formation of destructive locust nymphs that wreak havoc on crops and trees.

Neem trees have become an invaluable tool in agricultural IPM programs, offering protection for numerous crop species while simultaneously controlling pests such as livestock pests and disease-carrying mosquitoes. Their oil also has high enough concentrations of azadirachtin to kill dairy cow horn flies, traditionally a severe nuisance. Research also suggests aqueous extracts from both leaves and fruit show antiviral activity against Hepatitis B viruses and Herpes simplex virus strains; preliminary pharmacological studies indicate crude extracts may bind and inhibit plant viruses.

Painted Daisy

Painted Daisies (Teterea coccineum) are perennials with bold splashes of vibrant color that are easy to grow in USDA Zones 3-7. Not only are painted daisies attractive in flower gardens and cut flower arrangements, but they can also repel bugs like aphids, thrips, and spider mites that feed on them! If any sucking pests appear on them, spray them with Neem Oil or Pyrethrin Spray to eliminate them.

Natural pyrethrins found in painted daisies are an effective natural insecticide, often serving as an adequate replacement for chemical insecticides. Gardeners dry the flowers, grind them into powder form, and mix them with water for an all-natural, non-synthetic pyrethrin insecticide milder than commercial varieties but just as effective in repelling bugs.

Other plants that work as fly repellents include neem trees and their natural oil products (azadirachtin), camphor trees, catnip, chamomile flowers, Chinese Juniper Cloves, Fern Lemon Balm Lavender, etc all produce scents that work to deter flies. At the same time, some carnivorous plants, such as Venus Flytraps or Butterwort, can also act as repellents against them – always wear gloves when handling these plants to prevent contact irritation.


This herb, mentha pulegium, makes an effective fly repellent when planted outdoors. However, its poisonous qualities, when consumed, make topical use necessary due to Pulegone’s blockading effect on enzymes in the body that could potentially lead to organ failure if eaten directly. Therefore, it’s wise not to consume this plant.

A low-maintenance plant that’s easy to move around your yard as needed, the Sansevieria requires full sun and regular watering until established, which becomes drought-resistant. Furthermore, its fragrant scent is an effective natural fly repellent; simply rubbing its leaves onto your skin may help deter unwanted flys!

Like mint plants, this one is an effective fly repellent indoors and outdoors. The intense fragrance helps ward off flies near windows, kitchens, and other places they congregate. Its fast growth rate and adaptability to different climates make this an easy plant to cultivate in pots!

Flies can be annoying at outdoor picnics and parties, but these natural plant species can help keep them at bay without resorting to DEET or other bug sprays. Easy to grow, they add color while simultaneously deterring any unwanted visitors!

Cape Sundew

Drosera capensis is an easy and widely popular carnivorous perennial plant from the genus Sundew that forms small rosette-forming carnivorous perennial plants that are among the easiest species to care for and cultivate. Native to South Africa, this species has become widely adopted as a houseplant due to its minimal care requirements; additionally, it acts as an effective fly repellent! Quickly grown indoors in either full sunlight or low lighting environments, this is ideal for humid areas. Drosera capensis also does not need fertilizers because its carnivorous roots nourish it by eating insects!

Sundew plants feature tiny hairs that produce sticky and sweet-scented mucilage. When insects come close to these leaves, their eyes become drawn to its droplets of glue, which glisten like dew in sunlight, drawing them in as though they were a nectar source. When an insect lands on it, its hairs stick to its exoskeleton, while its leaf secretes digestive enzymes that start breaking it down internally.

Sundew plants can trap so many insects because they have evolved to thrive in acidic and nutrient-poor environments, where other plants cannot access essential elements from the soil. When insects land on sundew leaves, flies may escape without getting trapped by tentacles that grip their exoskeletons; those who touch one will be eaten alive by these twig-like tentacles and die quickly.


Butterwort, or Pinguicula, is an insectivorous plant with sticky leaves designed to attract insects for consumption. Commonly found in gardens for controlling flies and other pests, Butterwort grows best under partial shade conditions; therefore, it may not be appropriate in places where children or pets play.

These sticky leaves produce a substance that attracts and traps insects, digested by enzymes inside its leaves. This allows it to compensate for poor soils or lack of nutrients; most varieties can be found throughout Mexico and Central America, with some producing offshoots from edges of leaves for reproduction asexually.

Many gardeners choose this attractive houseplant due to its attractiveness and fly-repelling qualities. Easy to grow, they can be moved around your garden or home to prevent certain areas from becoming infested, while their fragrance and essential oils help deter fly infestation.

Basil, lemon thyme, and neem are other plants that can help repel flies in your garden. Lemon thyme’s strong scent has proven effective against stable flies, while essential neem oil has been shown to decrease fly populations by inhibiting their breeding cycles. Neem can be used either directly on plants as an effective fly repellent or as a natural insecticide throughout your garden.