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Symptoms and Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease


A person with Alzheimer’s disease often experiences memory loss and cognitive decline. This disorder can lead to problems with math, multitasking, and judgment. It also makes it difficult for people to make social decisions and respond to everyday problems. People with the disease may experience confusion in how they dress or respond to others.


The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include changes in memory and reasoning, difficulty following plans and routines, and trouble with primary personal care. These changes can be very distressing for a person and their caregivers. Some people with this disease may even lose their bowels and bladder control.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease can vary from person to person and may change with stress, illness, or tiredness. This disease affects the brain’s cortex and causes loss of neurons. This causes a shrinking of the cortex, which is critical for memory, judgment, and language.

Alzheimer’s disease occurs when the brain’s nerve cells die, causing plaques and tangles between dying cells. This process can begin up to 10 years before symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear. In addition, the brain’s volume may decrease. The condition can be deadly if left untreated.


The causes of Alzheimer’s disease are still unknown, but scientists are working to discover them. The disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that strikes older adults. Studies have revealed that age-related changes in the brain may harm brain cells and speed up the onset of Alzheimer’s. This includes the atrophy of specific brain areas and increased production of free radicals.

Scientists believe that many factors contribute to Alzheimer’s. Some of these factors are genetic, while others may result from lifestyle choices. The disease is caused by the accumulation of deposits, known as beta-amyloid plaques, on nerve cells in the brain. These plaques affect the normal function of brain cells, causing them to shrink and eventually die. This shrinking of the brain is what causes the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s.


The current treatments for Alzheimer’s disease aim to improve symptoms such as memory loss and thinking difficulties. They boost the performance of certain brain chemicals but do not stop the underlying decline in brain cells. As a result, the disease continues to progress. Experts remain cautiously optimistic that new treatments will be developed in the future. They believe that the growing understanding of the disrupted brain and the underlying causes will lead to new treatments.

Treatments for Alzheimer’s disease are being tested in multiple clinical trials. One new treatment, aducanumab, has recently been approved by the FDA. The drug targets pathological peptides in plaques. But unfortunately, this treatment comes with significant risks.

Support for people with Alzheimer’s

Caregiving for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is a tremendous responsibility that can put a tremendous strain on the caregiver’s health. Support groups and activities can help caregivers manage stress and find time to care for themselves. However, this disease is complicated to treat, and ongoing anxiety can affect the caregiver’s physical health. It can also cause the caregiver to withdraw from social activities and feel alone.

The carer needs to get plenty of rest. If necessary, ask a friend or relative to help. It is also a good idea to take catnaps during the day. It is also essential to ensure that the person with dementia has adequate food and fluids. This can be more challenging if the person has dental problems or takes medication that affects their ability to taste food. Poor nutrition can lead to weight loss, disorientation, and other symptoms.