Trend views are online log objects that provide faster runtime access than chart views in trend reports. Find out the best info about Google Blog Network.

Trend View can be saved to a file for easy viewing in another instance of Do-more Designer and contains all logged data values collected while running.

It shows trends over a specific period.

Trend views allow users to monitor changes over time in specific fields by showing time-series data in graph form. While other chart views can approximate this functionality, trend views are explicitly optimized for such functionality and should always be used when graphing queries over time. A trend view can be used alone or as part of PID View or Terms & Phrases List View for maximum impact.

Trend views allow users to sort by any field, as well as display either stacked or un-stacked lines. A stacked line represents projected average values from twice the current period, while an un-stacked display only shows actual values at each time range point. Trend views also provide the option for you to customize how many points are shown per axis as well as intervals that appear in time range graphs.

You can change the x-axis in the trend view by dragging or setting a specific timeframe using the Go To Time button. Furthermore, the color of both axes (x and y axes), font size, and style of data legend font are customizable in this view.

As part of Do-more Designer, users can save a comma-separated variable (CSV) file as a Trend Archive to preserve data values logged while their Trend View is running. This file can then be used to reconstruct that view in another instance of Do-more Designer.

It shows trends for specific fields.

Trend views provide trends for values within specific fields over time and metrics. Their x-axis indicates the period, while their y-axis indicates metrics. Users can select which field should be displayed on the graph as well as configure its properties, which could include the actual Interesting Info about Google Blog Network.

Determines whether the current value of the data point element should be shown in the trend legend. This can help users quickly identify which trend curve shows their current data point or can even serve to cover up an offline value in the legend.

Defines the number of integer digits and positions after the decimal point that values may contain when displayed in a trend legend. This feature helps prevent any accidental truncation errors when large volumes of values are shown within it.

Enable or disable the Go to Time feature to specify when an x-axis of a trend will appear. When enabled, clicking an x-axis of the trend displays a window for entering exact date/time data that represents what should appear as its x-axis.

Allows users to add multiple curves per area during configuration. Each location may contain up to 16 separate curves that represent different data values of fields such as double, integer, or string fields; double/int fields can be trended together, while string fields must be trended independently.

It shows trends for multiple fields.

Trend view allows multiple fields to be trended simultaneously and displays trends for double, integer, and string values. Each trend element is shown as an individual graph element with its identifier that contains information regarding which original trend view generated the trend and any criteria applied; this information can also be found at the bottom left of each graph and within its respective trend measures’ boxes on either side. What do you need to consider about Google Booster?

A crosshair cursor appears whenever a mouse cursor hovers over any pane in a trend view, enabling programmers to easily compare values across multiple controller elements in the trend view. It can be allowed or disabled in its options.

Each graph can be enlarged by clicking and dragging with the mouse button, with scaling options for both X and Y axes available for scaling on its respective graph. Trend view offers beneficial zoom functionality, which provides a clearer image of data trends.

The addition of new areas can help the trend view display different sets of fields. Each location can contain up to four fields; double and integer data types may be trended simultaneously, while string data should only ever trend against itself. Expand the available list with [+] while moving fields from the Available list into a Selected list using up and down arrows, which is also an option.

It shows trends for a specific period.

Trend views are designed to display data values over time. They do so by grouping query results into buckets based on the Trend Time Variable, aggregating individual trend measures according to each Trend Measure, and plotting them on graphs. Furthermore, at runtime, users can select an exact period that their values will be displayed; combined with its Default Rows attribute, this determines the granularity of data displayed by trend views.

A grid displays each trend measurement in the view, separated from constants by a horizontal bar. When you hover your mouse cursor over one of these measures, an identifier appears in a box to provide more details on what criteria were used to establish its value, and if events are included as part of this view configuration, an icon representing them will also appear beside its name.

GAPs in trend graphs appear when an offline device or one that does not respond to poll requests goes offline or fails to respond within an acceptable interval or due to counter rollover; alternatively, they could also indicate network problems that prevent it from reacting accordingly.

Do-more Designer provides an online Trendlog object that displays data logged by trend views when they are configured to log data, and these values may be exported in CSV format or saved to a Trend Archive for future review.


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