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What Are the Symptoms of a Hernia?

There are many symptoms of a hernia that you should be aware of. These include a painful bulge that won't go back inside your body. You may also experience swelling, redness, and fever. Hernia symptoms can also make you feel unwell,…

What to Do If You Have Flatulence

The most important thing to do if you have excessive flatulence is to talk to your doctor. They will likely ask you to keep a food diary and identify triggers. In some cases, lifestyle changes can help you avoid these triggers. However, it…


Endocarditis is a serious medical condition that can damage the heart. In severe cases, it can lead to surgery to replace heart valves or drain abscesses from the heart muscle. It occurs when bacteria that are usually harmless attack the…

What is Elephantiasis?

Elephantiasis is a disease caused by a parasite on the lymphatic system. It affects millions of low-income people in tropical regions. Infected mosquitoes spread it. Although it is impossible to contract the disease in Australia, people who…

Polio Vaccine Adverse Events

Polio vaccines protect people from developing poliomyelitis and can be given as an inactivated or weakened oral poliovirus vaccine. The World Health Organization recommends complete polio vaccination for all children. These vaccinations…

Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart attack symptoms can vary based on the individual. Some are associated with emotional stress, cold weather, or other factors. In some cases, the symptoms may come on suddenly. In other cases, the attack may be slow, and the symptoms…

Pneumonia Symptoms and Treatments

Pneumonia symptoms vary from patient to patient, and it is essential to determine the cause. Fortunately, there are many treatment options. This article will explain some of the most common pneumonia symptoms and how to diagnose and treat…

Thyroid Symptoms and Causes

Tiredness and fatigue are two very different things. While sleep can make you feel better, the lack of energy that a thyroid disorder causes is something that is not easily remedied. You may have a thyroid disorder if you feel tired all the…

Symptoms and Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

A person with Alzheimer's disease often experiences memory loss and cognitive decline. This disorder can lead to problems with math, multitasking, and judgment. It also makes it difficult for people to make social decisions and respond to…

How to Cope With Meniere’s Disease

Meniere's disease is a common disorder that can strike any age, although most sufferers are over 40 years old. The disease is equally prevalent among men and women, although some studies have shown that women are more likely to develop the…

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms include increased vaginal discharge, tenderness, swollen breasts, and morning sickness. However, not all women experience all of these symptoms. In addition, some women experience the same symptoms as before their…