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Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney


Whether you are buying or selling property, you will likely need the services of a real estate attorney. In this article, you will learn about the legal documents required for a real estate transaction and the costs of retaining a real estate attorney.

Short sales

Getting a short sale approved can be a long and arduous process. It can take weeks or months to determine whether an offer has been accepted. Some lenders are more proactive than others.

A short sale is a transaction in which the buyer of a property pays less than the market value of the home. This allows the owner to avoid foreclosure. However, the homeowner must first ask the lender to release a mortgage lien.

A short sale is only worth doing if the lender agrees. The lender will request documentation to ensure that a seller’s home will be sold. These documents may be asked for numerous times. The proper paperwork can make the difference between success and failure.

To make the most of a short sale, sellers need to be realistic about the value of their home. They also need to clearly understand the costs associated with selling the property. This includes taxes, interest on loans, and closing costs.

Quiet title actions

Purchasing and selling real estate can be a complicated process. While many people have no trouble with their property, others may need to deal with unscrupulous individuals or other claims. If you’re in this situation, it’s a good idea to seek legal advice from an experienced real estate attorney.

Quiet title actions can be a helpful way to clear up your property’s title. They are designed to solve ownership and boundary disputes. They can also resolve issues with lien holders or unknown heirs.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a buyer, you need a clean and clear title. A clear title means that you know who owns the property and provides you with notice to the other parties. However, it can be challenging to get a clear title if you don’t have any previous owners, so you should consult an attorney.

An adverse claim typically triggers a quiet title action. A fraudulent deed, surveying error, ancient mortgage, or other defects can result in a quiet title action.

Legal documents required for the transaction

Buying or selling real estate is a complex process requiring attorneys. Aside from the usual documents, buyers and sellers must also agree on the terms of the transaction. This includes a contract, which will explain the obligations of both parties.

The bill of sale, or BOS, is a contract that lists personal property transferred from the seller to the buyer. It is one of the most important legal documents in a real estate transaction.

The affidavit of title, or ALT, is a sworn statement by the seller. It describes the title of the property, as well as any outstanding contracts for sale. It may also include other technical information, such as boundary line disputes.

The title company will conduct a thorough search of the property. It will verify that the home is in good shape and is free of defects. It will also check the financial records of the property, as well as the lender’s documents.

Cost of retaining a real estate attorney

A real estate attorney can make the difference between success and failure in a real estate transaction. A reasonable attorney will help you avoid potential problems in the transaction, as well as provide peace of mind. In addition, they can help you with various legal issues, including landlord and tenant issues, condominiums, and construction disputes.

The cost of retaining a real estate attorney varies depending on the attorney’s experience and location. Some attorneys charge an hourly rate, while others offer a flat fee. A flat fee may range from $1,500 to $4,000. Some states do not require a real estate attorney for the closing process. However, a buyer who needs a mortgage will likely have to pay for one at the time of closing.

Some attorneys charge a retainer fee that is not refundable. The client will be billed monthly for the fees and any other costs. The retainer will be transferred from a particular account to a lawyer’s history.