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Taking a PL/SQL Tutorial

If you are interested in learning database programming, you may consider taking a PL/SQL tutorial. PL/SQL is a simple yet powerful database language that allows developers to query, change, and modify information stored in a database. It…

Learn the Basics With a Xamarin Tutorial

A Xamarin tutorial is a quick way to get started creating cross-platform apps. It will show you how to create a basic app with native UI and a portable class library. The UI definitions are found in the individual platform projects, so you…

Mockito Tutorial

Mockito is a Java-based mocking framework used for unit testing Java applications. It's similar to Roboelectric but easier to understand and use because it uses annotations to specify the behaviour of the test code. This tutorial will…

A Beginner’s Python Flask Tutorial

This Python Flask tutorial will introduce you to the essential concepts that you'll need to get started on your web development journey. It covers creating static files, setting up a secret key, and adding variables to a URL. In the end,…

What is Personification?

The literary device personification is used to give nonhuman objects human characteristics. It does not make the objects behave like humans, but it brings them to life and makes reading more interesting and entertaining. Writers use this…

What is Database?

There are many uses for databases. They can be used to store information about a person, company, or product. Databases are vital to businesses. They store vital information about users and customers. They also help in the processing of…

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a common diet regimen that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. People may use this diet to lose weight, but the results can be variable, and some people have experienced negative side effects from the…

What is SAP?

What is SAP? SAP stands for "SAP Enterprise Resource Planning." It is an enterprise resource planning system and software package that helps organizations manage business operations and customer relations. It was developed by SAP SE, a…

What is Fatigue and What Causes It?

If you are suffering from fatigue, there are several possible causes. These include Circadian fatigue, Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, lack of physical activity, and sleep disturbances. The prognosis for most of these causes is…

What is a Polygon?

A polygon is a geometric shape with at least three sides. It can be irregular or regular and can have a finite or infinite number of sides. There are also spherical polygons. In this article, we'll learn about regular and irregular…