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Game of Thrones Catan: Unbelievable Gameplay, Unmatched Adventure


One thing that has managed to wrestle its way back to popularity is board games. Game of Thrones Catan is one of the board games that has been turning heads over the years. If you have not come across the board game, you need to read this and understand why you need to get one. One thing we can guarantee though before you purchase the board game is if you liked Game of Thrones you will love this board game. This is a no-brainer and no one can prove otherwise.

Game Of Thrones Catan

Game of Thrones Catan Review

One thing that board game enthusiasts can agree on is the importance of attention to detail when creating a board game. This is one of the aspects that either makes or breaks a board game. This is one of the aspects we are going to be looking at in this review and a lot more. One thing you would n0ot want to do is spend a lot of money on a board game and not enjoy it in the end. This is exactly why you need to read this review, to make sure that you do not make a purchase you would not enjoy.

Game of Thrones Catan Review: Size

One thing that is very important when it comes to board games is the size. The size of the entire board game and the pieces of the board game have a very important aspect when it comes to the overall performance of a board game. The Game of Thrones Catan board game excels in this regard. The game measure 11x4x 11 inches.

This quite the perfect size which allows seamless group play and also brings out the whole Game of Thrones concept to life. Another aspect that is commendable when it comes to the size is the fact that it is quite portable. This means you can easily carry it anywhere and enjoy it with your friends. Portability is a plus that you will certainly charm board game enthusiasts.

Game Of Thrones Catan

Game of Thrones Catan Review: Strategy

One thing that is ultimately important when it comes to board games is the strategy aspect. The Game of Thrones Catan is about conquering and becoming a leader. The story is pretty much the same on the board game. The strategy of the game is based on three aspects which are to build, defend and rise. All you have to do in the board game is to build enough infrastructure and be better than your brothers. The Gift which is a part of the board game is the guideline, your infrastructure has to be behind the gift and the one with the best infrastructure will become ruler.

The storyline in the game is amazing and will offer you a lot of replay value. The fact that it allows multiplayer with up to 4 people playing at once makes it very attractive and interesting. Although the game comes off as complex from the outside, it is very easy to learn and understand. This will help you to enjoy the game even more without having to worry about how to play the game.

Game Of Thrones Catan

Game of Thrones Catan Review: Price

One thing that might be a turn-off when it comes to this amazing board game is the price. Game of Thrones Catan is available in most online stores, it retails for just over $50 on Amazon. You can get it cheaper on Craigslist though. The price is pretty high but we can guarantee you that it is worth it.

Get yourself the Game of Thrones Catan and game night will never be the same ever!

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How many players can play Game of Thrones Catan?

A maximum of four players can play Game of Thrones Catan

How much is Game of Thrones Catan

Game of Thrones Catan retails for $54.99 on Amazon

Is Game of Thrones Catan good for the family?

Game of Thrones Catan is a good family-friendly boardgame