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What Makes Alphacross Crossword a Highly Interesting Puzzle Game?


Those days had become history pages when I used to have some interesting rounds of mind teasing games with my peers. With the upcoming Alphacross Crossword, it has become easy for me to recall those golden days of my life. As the game is full of twists and turns, it has helped tease my brain and enhance my level of intelligence. 

What is Alphacross Crossword all about?

As the name suggests, Alphacross Crossword is a crossword puzzle that will tease the mind at every turn. Only you need a smart device that supports Android 6.0 and above. Once done with the downloading, you will be ready. Some of the exclusive puzzles to choose from including the following:

  • American Values CrosswordsNew York Times
  • Los Angeles Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Universal Daily and many more. 

Day by day, wide numbers of puzzle games are being included in the list. Hence, you will be able to explore a wide number of options to pass your time effectively.

What are the Salient Features of Alphacross Crossword?

The mind-blowing game of Alphacross Crossword is inclusive of a wide number of interesting features. Some of the vital ones include the following:

  • Graphical preview of every crossword puzzle
  • Information including the time of playing along with last playtime and correct solutions in the form of statistics
  • Selection based on archival, deletion and group
  • Collection of an innumerable number of collection filters
  • Background downloading available automatically, along with notifications

These are some exclusive features that make Alphacross a highly popular puzzle game. People belonging to all age groups will be able to access the game easily from anywhere as desired. Suppose you are travelling on a bus and want to bid goodbye to your boredom. Then, accessing Alphacross Crossword will be a great option. 

What does the Puzzle Solver Include?

Some exclusive features included in the puzzle-solver of Alphacross Crossword include the following:

  • Rebus puzzle support
  • Highly flexible and customizable navigation
  • Undoing in a smart way
  • Highlighting of the error
  • Smooth along with fully animated scrolling
  • Easy zooming through a touch of fingers and pressing of few options

Apart from the exclusive features, the existing puzzles can be downloaded in the .puz format. The app is available free of cost and can be downloaded easily.

What are the System Requirements to Play the Game of Alphacross Smoothly?

To play the interesting game of Alphacross Crosswordsmoothly, there are some basic system requirements. They have been mentioned below:

  • The smart device in a proper working order
  • Uninterrupted internet connection

The games are available from beginner to advanced levels. As a first time player, it is preferable to go with a beginner level. Once you gain confidence, it will become easier for you to go with different levels.

Is Alphacross Crossword Good for Students?

If you are a student and suffer from concentration issues, then the game of Alphacross Crosswordis for you. It will help in increasing your mental ability and also your intelligence level to a great extent. Professionals will also be able to take high advantage of this exclusively programmed game. 

As a final thought, the Alphacross Crosswordis an interesting game. It can be easily enjoyed by people belonging to all age groups. 


Is Alphacross Crossword freely available?

Yes, it is available at free of cost. It can be downloadd anytime anywhere.

What is the software required for downloading and playing Alphacross Crossword?

Android 6.0 and above.

Is it a good choice for students only?

No, it can be played by people belonging to any age group.